As a world traveler I’ve had the opportunity to learn about many cultures and develop a diversified view of social responsibility. The one common thread that stands out in my mind is compassion. People reaching out to one another in time of need be it dangerous or easy, simple or complex, large or small.
As an educator my passion has been to learn with, share with, teach and empower people who come into my energy field. My life has been a manifesto of joy and it makes my heart feel good to experience or witness the kindnesses people bestow on each other.

I could go on explaining about the many experiences I’ve had in my life and how the contagion of compassion controls me. Suffice it to say that I have been blessed by every challenge in my life, I have enjoyed the loving energy of those who I have welcomed into my space and I have been immensely gratified by giving back when the opportunity arises.

My husband Rey and I made a spontaneous decision to move to Mexico on the day our booked flight actually left for Germany. Not understanding why the universe redirected us, we happily adapted to the new inspiration and rerouted our belongings, brain and emotions to our newly chosen land.
Little did we know we would be soon infected by the contagion of compassion shown by the staff, volunteers and families of the children of Pasitos de Luz, an organization supporting single moms and families with minimal resources who have a child with a disability. These children in the Banderas Bay and Puerto Vallarta areas of Mexico are provided health and education services and a daycare center managed by a loving staff of professionals and volunteers free of charge.

Since living in Mexico Rey and I are sharing our experience and skill with Pasitos de Luz to create a special education program using music and drama to teach special needs children basic skills. We have spent quite a bit of time in the castle where the children receive free health and dental care, massage and two wonderful meals a day prepared by a well known Mexican Chef who has chosen to grace this optimistic community of children and the PDL staffers with his culinary skills.
Like any non-profit organization, financial support is critical for the continuation and expansion of such a needed and valuable program. We have challenged ourselves to raise $100,000 to facilitate the hiring and training of teachers who will help the children realize a partially or totally independent future.
All services for the children of Pasitos de Luz are
completely free. Our project cannot succeed or even exist without your help. We
invite you to visit our facility, meet the children and be infected by our
compassion. We hope you will take some time to learn about our education
project, open your heart and give generously. Your donation is tax-deductible.
To make a donation please go to: https://pasitosdeluz.org/.
To make a donation please go to: https://pasitosdeluz.org/.