Sunday, April 4, 2021


I used to listen to Teddy Pendergras, Barry White, Smokey Robinson, Luther Vandross… The music, the lyrics, the feeling made wish somebody would love me like that.

My first marriage was to a wonderful man whom I will always love, but something was missing in the relationship. Although we will always be friends moving on was the right thing to do. My second marriage was to a selfish man who absorbed my energy, flourished from my love and moved on to an affair with a youngster not recognizing that a female just out of her pre-teens is not a woman. Moving on was the right thing to do.

I never dreamed that I would find the love of my life, my true soul mate in my senior years. I have been blessed with a man who has endless-unconditional love to give. How did I find him? That’s a long story and maybe I’ll write about it later. What’s important is I never met someone who allowed himself to be so happy. And because I’ve learned from him, I allow myself to be happier than I’ve ever been.

Love has changed me. I look forward to every new day without confusion, sadness or fear. We are not perfect. We often disagree – intensely. We always find a solution – together. We are committed. No official document has ever inspired the kind of love we have.

Our love has made it easier to be adventurous and enjoy new experiences. Everything is possible. The sun rises and sets in our hearts and in our minds. It happens for those who choose to be happy. He taught me to choose to be happy and I will be forever grateful to the man I love.



My wish for all of you on this special day is that you chose to be happy and manifest everything that you want in life! We did. Like the song says, “We’ve only just begun to live!”