Monday, March 30, 2020



I've been in Germany the last four weeks expecting to tour with my band "Senses". All of my concerts except one were cancelled because of the corona crisis - and I'm stuck here!!! The German government has called for "social distancing" instead of "physical distancing". Now everyone's even afraid to talk to each other.

With the spread of the corona virus my creative thoughts are taking a back seat to the fear mongering exacerbated by unscrupulous politicians whose goal it is to trick us into quarantining ourselves at their command without questioning the truth or motive.

Two weeks ago, tRrump announced an entry ban for 26 countries including Germany, and said that Americans had to return to the US by March 13. I tried to buy a return ticket, but the prices suddenly shot up to $2,500, which I didn't have (normally it cost $350 - $ 500). I finally was able to book a ticket to Mexico for $ 526 for March 27th. Two days later the Mexican border was closed and my booking was canceled - so I'm still here.

I get calls from my family and friends who are afraid for me and worried that I'm not safe. I get countless emails and phone calls from people warning me how to protect myself from the virus. The corona virus has already killed 4,000 people in the United States. Nowhere is it safe.

Granted this is a serious issue and we should all be consequent about protecting ourselves from this potentially fatal virus that is spread by contact with surfaces - in public bathrooms, on food product packages in the supermarket, on doorknobs and the stop push button you have to use to get off of the bus. It’s not even safe to hug when you meet a friend or even shake a hand. Educate Yourself

It affects people's livelihood. Artist friends of mine canceled their tours and flew home because tRump says that anyone who didn't return to the US before Friday, March 13th, would not be allowed to return to the U.S. There is clearly no safe place. You need to protect yourself wherever you are.

Other than that I don’t know how to handle this. It bothers me that politicians, especially tRump are taking advantage of the coronavirus to make political gains and perpetuate unsubstantiated claims, but that’s par for the course. We have been trained to accept fake news and alternative facts without question. We quarantine ourselves at their command without question or understanding. We are being set up for a "New World Order" that wil make slaves out of those of us who survive.

Do the research. Study the "Georgia Guide Stones". Read up on the "Illuminati". Check out the fictional book "The Eyes of Darkness" by Dean Koontz.  Instead of reading and researching we hoard food, water and vitamins when we have money, and we hide in our private rooms waiting to see how many people die.

I assure you, it’s not a time to be alone. We need to communicate with one another, find the facts, try to ascertain what’s true and false. It is a crisis that we must help each other survive. That means caring and sharing and not being fooled by unscrupulous leaders anywhere in the world. This is the time when they will really try to pull the wool over our eyes. tRump is already calling for unity and non-partisanship. That’s a good thing, but remember, he is a wolf in sheeps clothing.

I wish I was back in Mexico.

Copyright March 30, 2020

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Wednesday, March 25, 2020


Dear family, friends and fans,

I need your help! The corona virus has affected the lives of people around the world. It is a crisis! Our freedom of movement and, in particular, our social contacts have been significantly restricted. Many are afraid of losing loved ones. The full financial and economic impact of the corona crisis is still imminent. 

I don't know about you, but when a crisis happens in my life it is extremely difficult for me to ask for help. I love helping others when I have the resources, but I'm afraid to ask for help for myself. I have decided to put my ego aside and not succumb to this weakness.
As many of you know, I came to Germany this year to tour with my band. Due to the lockdown all but one of my concerts were canceled. Now, I'm stranded in Germany and my husband Rey and my beautiful dogs are isolated (but not quarantined) in Mexico. I need your help to purchase a return ticket, and to pay for a much needed root canal that I planned to have when I return home.
Thanks to the kindness and generosity of friends here in Germany, I have a roof over my head and food to eat. I hope that everyone who is stranded somewhere in the world will be blessed to receive the same loving support that it has been is my privilege to receive.

With this blog, I would like to invite you to be part of my life and share the stories of my challenges and struggles. Your paid subscription and/or donation will help me return home after the crisis, get that much needed root canal and survive financial setbacks.
Through this crisis, I have developed new relationships with people who have come to my rescue from the kindness of their hearts. My experience has enriched my life. I can only begin to tell you how much I have learned and how much I appreciate these relationships.

I'm discovering more about my inner self. I would be very happy if you read my stories, leave comments and share your experiences with me. I hope our sharing will be an inspiration and a source of discovery for you too!

Yours sincerely,

© Copyright March 30, 2020

We look forward to your comments and suggestions! You are part of this story! It is free to subscribe. Your paid membership helps us to continue to offer you our adventures. We need your support and thank you for your encouragement.

Wednesday, March 11, 2020


Although I decided to retire from touring and traveling for work, I made the decision to return to Germany a last time this year to earn a little money and officially say goodbye to the friends I’m going to miss. My gut was telling me don’t go and I worked hard to ignore the anxiety and sadness I was already feeling simply thinking about leaving my husband and pets behind.

The feeling had been the same last year. I went to Germany only to return early to help care for my terminally ill mother. I could not stay long enough to work. I canceled all my gigs and flew back as soon as I got the call from my sister. “If you want to see mom while she can still recognize you come now.” I love my mom. I had to go regardless of the expense and loss of income. The trip to Germany and my subsequent return was a financially devastating lesson in listening to my big brain and I’d ignored the message.
This year I once again ignored the messages not to travel to Germany. I’ve been stressed about our financial situation, especially since we haven’t recovered from last years’ cancellations and the spontaneous move to Mexico. Maybe that’s why I opted for one more trip and the chance to earn enough income to put us back on the good foot.
The Coronavirus put an end to that plan. All of my gigs (except the first one) were canceled. Now I’m stressed trying to find a reasonably priced return flight; because of the travel ban I might have to stay here longer than I initially planned and I’m sitting on my butt without an income –AGAIN! The question I must ask myself is “why did I want this?”.
I’m so grateful that I have such good friends here in Germany. I’ve been very well taken care of. Even strangers have opened their doors to me. They have sheltered me in their homes, fed me and provided me with the essential computer technology I need to maintain my connection with my loved ones, family and friends concerned about my well being and safe return.
I’m having periods of joy here in Germany because I love being with my friends, and periods of depression because I want to go home. I want to visit everyone before I leave, but I’m so depressed. I feel guilty about saying no and unhappy about saying yes. If I do visit I have a great time which puts me in a bigger depression when I leave.

For the first time in a long time I really feel like I want to come back. I miss my friends and extended family. I miss the audiences and dedicated fans that come to my concerts and workshops year after year. I miss the comraderie, the creativity and emotional connection to the friends with whom I share a lifetime of experiences and wonderful memories. I have committed myself to returning to Germany again next year. This time because I truly have the desire and the need for the emotional nourishment only true friends can give. I need to see you, hug you, laugh with you and grieve with you if it’s necessary.
I want everything life has to offer. The love and companionship of my wonderful husband and our two magnificent dogs, and the everlasting connection to family and friends all over the world.
I ask myself again “why did I want this?” To recognize my blessings!