This year I once again ignored the messages not to travel to Germany. I’ve been
stressed about our financial situation, especially since we haven’t recovered
from last years’ cancellations and the spontaneous move to Mexico. Maybe that’s
why I opted for one more trip and the chance to earn enough income
to put us back on the good foot.
The Coronavirus put an end to that plan. All of my gigs
(except the first one) were canceled. Now I’m stressed trying to find a reasonably
priced return flight; because of the travel ban I might have to stay here
longer than I initially planned and I’m sitting on my butt without an income –AGAIN!
The question I must ask myself is “why did I want this?”.
I’m so grateful that I have such good friends here in
Germany. I’ve been very well taken care of. Even strangers have opened their
doors to me. They have sheltered me in their homes, fed me and provided me with
the essential computer technology I need to maintain my connection with my
loved ones, family and friends concerned about my well being and safe return.
I’m having periods of joy here in Germany because I love
being with my friends, and periods of depression because I want to go home. I
want to visit everyone before I leave, but I’m so depressed. I feel guilty
about saying no and unhappy about saying yes. If I do visit I have a great time
which puts me in a bigger depression when I leave.

I want everything life has to offer. The love and
companionship of my wonderful husband and our two magnificent dogs, and the
everlasting connection to family and friends all over the world.
I ask myself again “why did I want this?” To recognize my
Thank you for sharing such a personal story. I felt this.