I've been in Germany the last four weeks expecting
to tour with my band "Senses". All of my concerts except one were
cancelled because of the corona crisis - and I'm stuck here!!! The
German government has called for "social distancing" instead of "physical
distancing". Now everyone's even afraid to talk to each other.
Two weeks ago, tRrump announced an entry ban for 26 countries including Germany, and said that Americans had to return to the US by March 13. I tried to buy a return ticket, but the prices suddenly shot up to $2,500, which I didn't have (normally it cost $350 - $ 500). I finally was able to book a ticket to Mexico for $ 526 for March 27th. Two days later the Mexican border was closed and my booking was canceled - so I'm still here.

I get calls from my family and friends who are afraid for me and worried that I'm not safe. I get countless emails and phone calls from people warning me how to protect myself from the virus. The corona virus has already killed 4,000 people in the United States. Nowhere is it safe.
this is a serious issue and we should all be consequent about
protecting ourselves from this potentially fatal virus that is spread
by contact with surfaces - in public bathrooms, on food product packages
in the supermarket, on doorknobs and the stop push button you have to
use to get off of the bus. It’s not even safe to hug when you meet a
friend or even shake a hand. Educate Yourself
It affects people's livelihood. Artist friends of mine
canceled their tours and flew home because tRump says that anyone who didn't
return to the US before Friday, March 13th, would not be allowed to return to the U.S. There is clearly no safe place.
You need to protect yourself wherever you are.
than that I don’t know how to handle this. It bothers me that
politicians, especially tRump are taking advantage of the coronavirus to
make political gains and perpetuate unsubstantiated claims, but that’s
par for the course. We have been trained to accept fake news and
alternative facts without question. We quarantine ourselves at their command
without question or understanding. We are being set up for a "New World Order" that wil make slaves out of those of us who survive.
Do the research. Study the "Georgia Guide Stones". Read up on the "Illuminati". Check out the fictional book "The Eyes of Darkness" by Dean Koontz. Instead of reading and researching we hoard food, water and vitamins when we have
money, and we hide in our private rooms waiting to see how many people die.
assure you, it’s not a time to be alone. We need to communicate with
one another, find the facts, try to ascertain what’s true and false. It
is a crisis that we must help each other survive. That means caring and
sharing and not being fooled by unscrupulous leaders anywhere in the
world. This is the time when they will really try to pull the wool over
our eyes. tRump is already calling for unity and non-partisanship.
That’s a good thing, but remember, he is a wolf in sheeps clothing.
I wish I was back in Mexico.
Copyright March 30, 2020
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Copyright March 30, 2020
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