Sunday, December 18, 2022

It's Christmas


Same as it was last year
And so I’m wishing many things
For the folks whom I hold dear

I wish you many blessings
And all the joy it brings
Good health and abundance
All of the essential things

I wish for peace throughout the land
Of course an end to hate
Universal respect for life
And all the things that make us great.

I wish that we would recognize
The things that man has done
Appreciate the gifts that God has given everyone.

I wish that there is no more war
And no more loss of life
And no more violent conflicts
Causing misery and strife.

Peace on earth, good will to men
We say these words time and again
With peach and love my protocol
This wish I make includes us all.



My Abundance
Most of us get up and go to work five days a week. You set the alarm for 7:30 a.m. (if you have kids who go to school you get up earlier), brush your teeth, take a shower and get dressed. Maybe you have to make breakfast for the family before dropping the kids off to school, or just a coffee for yourself that you halfway drink on your way out the door.

Many of you are fortunate enough to have a job that you like. Many of you are stressfully waiting to retire so you can finally be happy and free. But when the time comes, are you healthy and wealthy enough to enjoy “the rest of your life”.

In my family, my brother, sister and I are the first generation where all siblings lived long enough to retire. My dad died at 61, several of my aunts and uncles died even younger and several of my friends didn’t reach 65.

WHY??? I believe they all worked themselves to death. Most had jobs they didn’t like. All had stress related diseases and all worked “hard for the money” believing that they could save up enough or earn enough social security credit to have a comfortable and free retirement. NOT SO!

We grow up being taught we have to work hard to be successful. We are usually not taught to consider turning something we love into a source of income. We take on jobs just for the money and eventually suffer all kinds of burnout before getting anywhere close to retirement age.

In my mind, the most important thing in life is to be happy and it’s not necessarily connected to how much money you have, what you possess or how high you rise on the corporate ladder… My entire life I have been blessed with family and friends who love me and who I love dearly. I have everything I want in life and I will admit that I have been blessed abundantly in every way. Why? Because I choose to be happy and accept the abundance of the universe that comes along with my joy.

I wish you all happiness and love and hope that you never retire. Open your mind and heart to the abundance of the universe and join me in an infinity of joy!