Friday, November 27, 2020

I really want to bring you up-to-date with all of the stuff I experienced during lockdown in Germany. However, I can't contain myself any longer and I've got to talk about the Biden/Harris win, our crazy/lying president and the political issues that occupy so much space in my head.

The thought of voting "against" tRump crushed my already fragile faith in the democratic system. I was happy to vote for Biden because he selected Harris as his running mate. I can only hope that together they will accomplish more than Obama was allowed to and conquer challenges brought on by the COVID epidemic, systematic racism and global warming to name a few.

Our already questionable democracy took a beating during the tRump administration. "Draining the swap" was the joke of the century. 

The breaking down of our civil liberties, the condoning of violence, the disregard for the law, the nebulous obscuring of the truth, the manipulation of the media, and the control of the judicial system are only a few of the pernicious attacks successfully perpetrated by the tRump cartel on our country.

Biden will inherit the problems that tRump has left behind - a pandemic, 

a massive budget deficit and a faltering economy. How much more damage could he have done to American institutions and elections with another four years? 

And now, this spurious imitation orange Cheeto refuses to concede the election. He and his comrades have done everything they can to divide the country. 

Appointing Amy Barret to the judiciary is only one indication of tRumps attempt to guarantee the continuation of his corrupt legacy. tRump has energized violent militias to do great harm across America making it possible for hate-based and extremist groups to continue after his presidency.

tRumps focus on revenge against Joe Biden and FOX News is astounding. His refusal to cooperate with the Biden transition team is an obviously deliberate attempt to prevent the new administration from succeeding with any plans for change or solutions to our countries problems. 

The Republicans will make no compromises. The Supreme Court is dominated by conservatives. Just as the Republicans did to Obama, they will focus - with tRumps guidance - on preventing this democratic administration from making any real changes to the reprehensible deeds of the tRump administration. The corruption of the GOP will out live tRumps presidency.

In a 1996 interview with Mike Wallace, Louis Farrakhan stated (if I may paraphrase) that America is the most corrupt country in the world. That statement holds true today and the tRump administration is the proof. Trying to overturn a legitimate election is not only an abomination but puts the health and security of our country dangerously at risk. 

We are not a third world country. We cannot let this happen. Every American needs to denounce this attempted coup. Hands Off America!

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