Sunday, December 19, 2021


It's Christmas time again and as always the question is why, as an African American descendant should I celebrate? My answer to that is I do, and we should! 

As a child I was caught up in the fantasy believing that some gray bearded, fat white man in a red suit sneaked into our house – even though we didn't have a chimney - and put presents under the tree. My mom was completely into this tradition. My father seemed to just go along with the program. 

It was clearly a blessing when we were “old enough” for them to release us from the fantasy. So what is the truth about Christmas? What does it really mean – TO ME? 

There are many controversial questions about the birth of Christ and the religious significance of the celebration. I don't care about that. The history of the suffering of our enslaved ancestors is my focus. It speaks to the fact that slaves were no less burdened and abused during the Christmas season than any other time of year. His-story makes it seem like slaves enjoyed the Christmas holiday as much as the master did. Like Santa Claus, visions of Christmas joy and freedom where truly fantasies and the fight for survival was no less diminished. 

Enslaved African Americans did not view the holidays as a time of celebration and hope. Rather, Christmas served only to highlight their lack of freedom - and presented an opportunity for escape which many slaves took advantage of. Christmas wasn't a time of fun and relaxation for slaves. They did all the grueling household and field labor that kept these places going, sleeping and cooking in primitive cabins and working in unhealthy conditions under the threat of the whip.

Some masters gave slaves passes to visit family members who had been sold to other plantations. Some slaves used the passes to explain their presence on the road and delay the discovery of their escape through their masters' expectation that they would soon return from their "family visit." The cover of the holidays was essential for success. Clearly, there was little positive value in the slaveholder's version of Christmas. 

This quote from “Documenting the American South” illuminates how slave masters used the holiday to further control their slave populations by giving meaningless false hopes and kindness: 

"Frederick Douglass described the period of respite that was granted to slaves every year between Christmas and New Year's Day as a psychological tool of the oppressor... In his 1845 Narrative , Douglass wrote that slaves celebrated the winter holidays by engaging in activities such as "playing ball, wrestling, running foot-races, fiddling, dancing, and drinking whiskey"... He took particular umbrage at the latter practice, which was often encouraged by slave owners through various tactics...”
BECAUSE masters got the slaves drunk and made them fight each other for their amusement.

"In My Bondage and My Freedom, Douglass concluded that "[a]ll the license allowed [during the holidays] appears to have no other object than to disgust the slaves with their temporary freedom, and to make them as glad to return to their work, as they were to leave it". While there is no doubt that many enjoyed these holidays, Douglass acutely discerned that they were granted not merely in a spirit of charity or conviviality, but also to appease those who yearned for freedom, ultimately serving the ulterior motives of slave owners”.

Slavery ended more than a century ago but the struggle for freedom continues. Christmas is a time and reason for open dialogue and renewing our individual responsibility to become better human beings by opening our eyes to the continuous travesty of justice existing in America, and letting our voices be heard.

There are generations of my people who are still in bondage – in slavery – and need our conscious and concerted efforts to achieve freedom because they are kept in ignorance of their humanity and equality by generations of the slave holders children who still whip, rape and oppress them in 2021. THE COTTON PICKIN' TRUTH

So with all that In mind, why do I celebrate Christmas? Because I am proud of my ancestors who used the Christmas holiday to escape to freedom! I am inspired by their extraordinary courage, ingenuity and bravery. Their escape from bondage lead to the birth of free generations who live happy and prosper and experience the world as human beings and I celebrate them!

Let us honor their memory by using our freedom to help free those still in bondage so we can finally celebrate a Christmas that has real meaning.

Tuesday, November 2, 2021


Years ago when I moved to Germany, my family and friends were seriously concerned for me. “Why are you moving to Germany?” they would ask. “Aren’t there Nazis there?” “Is it safe? Do they discriminate against Black people?” “You know no matter what you do you’ll never be German.”

When my family and friends recognized what a wonderful life I was having in Germany they began to visit. They found the people warm, friendly and welcoming. They partied just as hard in the small Oldenburg town where I lived as they did at home in New York City. It was an eye opening experience that the most immovable New Yorkers swore to follow me and move to Oldenburg when they retired.

Alas, after 20 years together with my German husband, my marriage ended in an ugly divorce. I grabbed the opportunity to return to the states to spend time with my mom, family and friends whom I had sorely missed over such a long time.

At first, I thought I would live in New York City. My mom, brother and several cousins had moved to New Jersey where rentals and real estate where much more reasonably priced (at that time). My sister and the rest of the family chose to remain in Harlem, Brooklyn and the Bronx where costs for everything and anything had soared and were exorbitantly high. They were so enraptured by the rat race that they couldn’t free themselves from the monkey trap. “If you can make it there, you’ll make it anywhere” is an anthem that blinded most people to the reality that you don’t have to work yourself to death to be happy or successful.

After recognizing that I am no longer a New York City girl, I moved to Las Vegas thinking I would continue my career as an entertainer. The environmental change was the first shock. Of course, Las Vegas is in the desert. No water, no greenery and intensely hot weather all year around. Even in the winter the comfortably cold nights are overshadowed by the heat of the day.

Las Vegas is a good place to make a living if you are a world renowned super star or an impersonator. I don’t fit into either of those categories so it wasn’t the best place for me. However, it was the right decision because that’s where I met Rey.

Me and my superhero husband Rey (yes, he is my superhero!) chose to explore the world. We’d lived in numerous countries and had similar experiences. 

The decision to move to Mexico came from me. I never considered the fact that Rey had lived here before and he never mentioned that he wanted to return.  Through our daily happiness meditations, the universe guided us to Mexico. I fell in love with the country in Tijuana. “This is not Mexico” Rey teased. “This is South Compton”. When I said I wanted to move to Mexico Rey couldn’t contain his excitement. “I know the perfect place!” He brought me directly to Puerto Vallarta.

Why did he never mention his desire to move to Mexico? Rey is an adventurer and willing to follow me anywhere. He is a person who can jump out of a plane anywhere on the planet and make a life for himself. Just like me!

Once again questions came from family and friends. “Why are you moving to Mexico?” they would ask. “Aren’t the drug dealers there?” “Is it safe? What about the Cartel?” “Do they discriminate against Black people?” “You know no matter what you do you’ll never be Mexican.”

My dear family and friends, these questions are self-limiting, insecure and powerless. Discrimination of all kinds exists all over the world. So does crime, injustice, inequality and poverty. By the same token, the world is full of love shared by good people of every nationality, cultural background and economic status.

The earth is beautiful. Explore it. Love it. Cherish it. Get your passport and manifest your destiny!

Thursday, September 9, 2021

Biden's New Mandates

Why is Biden not addressing the fact that pharmaceutical companies, distributors and health care services/workers... are STILL totally indemnified from any consequences of selling/administering the vaccine?

If I believed taking the vaccine would prevent people from getting sick and/or dying I would take it. However, vaccinated people can transmit the virus as well as contract the disease.

Eight of my friends/colleagues in close proximity to where I now live were hospitalized and in intensive care this year. All except two were previously vaccinated and all became seriously ill anyway. Their hospital bills were enormous and now they are crowd funding and begging family and friends for money to help pay hospital bills, mortgages and basic living expenses.

Several other unvaccinated friends/acquaintences diagnosed positive and and were extremely ill. Being uninsured, they cared for themselves at home. According to them it was a horrendous week of high fever, headaches, coughing and tiredness. They isolated themselves, got plenty of rest and treated themselves with Aspirin or Paracetamol and Nyquil or some other cough medicine and were back on their feet after two weeks.

If you’re uninsured, costs related to diagnostic testing and treatment may range from $500 to $1,000 - and for those who need inpatient hospitalization, costs can run between $75,000 to $100,000 for a 10-day period. How does getting vaccinated help when it doesn't protect you from getting sick? You can still get stuck with enormous bills that insurance won't cover.

Some say that not taking the vaccine is immoral and un-American. America has a pattern of using black bodies for experimentation. If we want to talk about immorality let's talk about centuries of abuse and cruel medical experimentation on black people in America since slavery. Corpses being pulled from the ground for scientific study. Black women being sterilized without their knowledge and robbed of the opportunity to bear children. An entire Black community misled into believing they were immune from a fatal illness. We have been betrayed by the medical establishment,

I am not indifferent to the welfare of others. I always mask up in public places. I carry hand sanitizer which I use consistently. There are unacceptable risks associated with taking the vaccine. I know the risks and the costs of my decision. I alone have the right to decide what goes into my body. What the government or anyone else wants is beside the point.

I have never been vaccinated for the mumps. Had it when I was a child and survived it. I have never been vaccinated for the measels. Never had it. I have never been vaccinated for the chicken pox. Never had it. Never been vaccinated for the flu. Had it several times between 1977-2008. Always took care of myself. Survived it all. Have not had a cold since.

Was the FDA pressured to approve the vaccine? I don't know. It's highly suspicious. Mistrust of the government isn't my only issue. This pandemic has distracted all but the 1% from the true issues impacting our country and its leadership. The vaccine does not and cannot guarantee our safety. Forcing people to take the vaccine in order to work, travel or go to school is a denial of the freedoms guaranteed by the constitution. 

Knowledge of history tells me I should beware and I do! It's your choice. If you believe in it take it. I'm not mad at you. Accept the decision I have made for myself and do not try to coerce me.

Tuesday, August 3, 2021

The older I get the more I crave comfort food. My craving for healthy foods like vegetables and fruit only comes when I am clogged enough to feel miserable and/or I am so over weight that walking becomes a chore or bone spurs start to grow and walking becomes painful.

When I was a child we learned to eat nutritiously in school. 3 meals a day was the rule and bread and milk where touted as the most important components of a child’s diet.

A healthy breakfast included bacon, eggs and toast with butter and a glass of milk - or sugary cereals swimming in milk with fruit on top. Lunch was soup, a sandwich and a glass of milk with cookies for desert.  After school we snacked on peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, cake or cookies with a glass of milk – preferably chocolate flavored. Dinner was usually meat, veggies and a starch like rice, pasta or potatoes and a pudding/jello or ice cream and cake for desert - with a glass of milk. Years later we learned that some of our dietary issues came from the fact we were lactose intolerant.

Over the decades there have been many debates on what healthy eating actually is, and it is clear that although the suggested food regimens of the 50’s-60’s fall short of healthy habits, we were definitely eating better back then, which leads to my current situation.

As the years go by and my finances change my food choices have become more affluent and less healthy. I eat a lot more meat and fewer vegetables. Savory snacks, especially potato chips have replaced apples, bananas and berries. I must have the creamiest of cheeses and the butteriest of breads. 

My biggest delight is dinking 2 or 3 sugary cocktails when I’m out for the evening with family and friends.  And don’t even mention fried food. Fry up a paper bag and I’ll probably eat that too. Now, that of course, is an exaggeration but that yuk that just went through your mind is the same yuk my body makes when it’s trying to digest all the crud that I love so much.

As a teenager and a young woman I did not recognize the affect my eating habits would have on my future health. I’ve been diagnosed as overweight and pre-diabetic with a disposition to hypertension. I’ve been fighting tooth decay for decades and arthritis is trying to become a part of my life.
American Foods Banned in Other Countries

Living an enjoyably active life is a challenge. The most significant challenge is having enough energy to do the things I enjoy – hiking, swimming, horseback riding and playing handball. The pain caused by diseases such as arthritis and osteophytes limits joint movement and encourages fatigue and depression.

I will not succumb to these slowly encroaching illnesses that are trying to steal my joy for living. I have decided to embark on my return to good health, restore my energy, live a pain free life and get my body back. I'm eating my last Belgian chocolate as I write this blog.😊 I am going to dump 25 of the 185 pounds I am now carrying.

I’ve no plans to go on a diet. I will resume a natural way of eating that does not include processed sugar, canned foods and sugary alcoholic beverages. I’ve already started body strengthening workouts with my favorite online senior citizen exercise gurus.

I know that without diet pills, extreme weight loss programs or high impact exercise it will take some time to achieve my goals. I also know that I will not suffer from the yoyo effect because I am going to give my body the time it needs to heal from the abuse it has survived over 70 years.

Young or old! Even if you don’t have any health issues or a weight problem, I’d love for you to join me in my quest. Let’s stay healthy together. I’ll let you know how I’m doing and I would really appreciate any suggestions and/or recipes you might suggest to help keep me motivated and on the right path.

Saturday, July 24, 2021


Everyday I wake up smiling thinking about the wonderful time I had the day before. Two years ago no one could have told me I’d be living my dream of freedom and joy in Mexico.

It was early morning and Rey had already been to the beach to check out the water before leaving for his scheduled horseback riding tour. As usual, I packed my camera bag and followed Rey and the dogs to the ranch where I take pictures and record videos for his clients. Our youngest dog Melania-Paloma runs the trail with the horses while I take Baron von Greismok on a long jungle walk and a swim in the river before the walk home.

I’d like to tell you that this was a special day – but – everyday is special here. After a little cleaning up the house and preparing food for the dogs (I usually make it fresh), I fixed myself a nice breakfast and settled down to finish editing the video from yesterdays excursion.

I was done in about 4 hours. That’s when Rey came home and insisted “put your bathing suit on, we’re going to the beach”. Of course, I love to hear those words so I was ready in a jiffy. We went to our favorite restaurant on the beach to meet his new friends – the guests from the horseback riding tour who’d had so much fun they wanted to spend the rest of the day with Rey experiencing Mismaloya.

We spent a lovely afternoon sun bathing, eating garlic fried fish, guacamole and burritos and occasionally dipping in the refreshingly cool ocean. But that wasn’t enough. Rey booked another group for a late night bioluminescence boat ride to Los Arcos. We were about to experience one of nature's magical wonders that this region is so famous for.

These rare ecosystems happen when microscopic, single-celled organisms called dinoflagellates grow in quantities big enough to produce a “glow-in-the-dark” effect when stimulated by movement. So, when you paddle or splash the water, these organisms light up in a neon blue-green color, and so does everything they come in contact with, giving a star-like reflection to the water.

I have to admit the tour was a bit scary. The boat ride was wonderful but I’m not accustomed to swimming in the dark. Before we even reached Los Arcos our braver friends where diving from the mountainside on the Mismaloya shore line, while those of us who remained in the boat cheered them on.

Shortly after the first dive, we picked up two guys who were stranded on a Panga and couldn’t get back to the beach. We gave them a ride back to the shore and then headed to Los Arcos excited about the bioluminescence we were about to experience.

It was darker now, the moon was just right and the water was only slightly cooler than in the day. What an exciting phenomena! The water glowed as did our paddles and hands as we splashed the water.

On the way to Los Arcos we met vacationers exploring the caves by paddle board, as well as a jet skier who was stranded because his vehicle stopped working. He tied his jet ski to our boat and we towed him along to our destination. Our captain called the jet ski company for help but it seems we were to far away for a rescue.

The skier stayed with us as our guest enjoyed diving and exploring the caves with our guide. It was scary jumping into the dark water but as soon as we saw the light of the bioluminescence the fear vanished in the swirl of this magical experience. We swam through a cave and those who knew how to dive enjoyed the magical depths. It was like swimming around the Avatar forest.

On the way back the bay rescue finally came to pick up the jet skier and his vehicle, guided by the S.O.S. light that Rey had coincidentally carried in his diving bag. What a lucky break for the skier. He would otherwise have to travel back to Mismaloya with us and that was far from where he needed to go.

Finally, we went home, pumped up with the days excitement as we fell asleep to wonderful dreams looking forward to tomorrow.

Share our stories! And if our words inspire you, help us keep growing by subscribing to our Pateron Page. A dollar a month is all it takes to keep the wheels oiled and the stories and information flowing.

Friday, June 25, 2021

I really thought that in my older years, after retirement I would lose my lust for adventure. Until I turned 60, I was willing to try almost anything. I never thought of traveling around the world, living in other countries, mountain climbing or parasailing... as being adventurous

I learned several languages, experienced many different cultures and traversed many philosophies without an inkling that my ever changing life was atypical of my family, my friends and people in general. 

I grew up not knowing that we were "poor" or "underprivileged" according to statistics and I still find it hard to believe. My parents both worked. They always provided for us. Although we wore hand-me-downs and mom bought our new clothes from "Johns Bargain Store's" basement, we were always clean, never missed a meal, lived in a nice home and went to school everyday.

The one thing that made us different became very clear to me at an early age. The discrimination I faced in school starting from the first grade (I didn't go to kindergarten) and subsequently every further grade right up and through college made it clear that America would always categorize me as a - take your pick -"Black",  "Negro", "jigaboo" not worth the air you breath... "n^%$#r".

As a kid coming up my parents were very strong on black pride and we were taught that not only were we Trinidadians, but African-Americans as well. As president of my elementary school parent-teachers association my father (a calypso saxophonist) helped to organized events with local artists like Ruby Dee, Ozzie Davis and Dizzy Gillespie.

Much to my good fortune my mom also had direct contact to another empowering source of black pride and unity. A man who spent his entire life fighting for justice and an end to the racial violence, bias and discrimination my family and my people experienced on a daily basis. I was directly wired to the main source, my cousin Louis Farrakahn.

That of course is a story of it's own. Let me briefly say that even now, the things I learned as a child have empowered me and instilled an undeniable pride for my history and the contributions of my people.

Need I say that making Juneteenth a federal holiday does not impress me in any way. Not only is it not enough, it's especially meaningless when Republicans the likes of Mitch McConnell oppose the John Lewis voting rights act that will protect the rights of hundreds of thousands of black voters. SLAVERY IS NOT OVER! 

As often, I'm straying from the focus of my blog. I want to tell you what were doing and the story of how we got here. I want to empower you so you know you can do it too and even more if you use your power of manifestation. Enjoy the video! Share our stories! Grow with us! And if our words inspire you, help us keep growing by subscribing to our Pateron Page. A dollar a month is all it takes to keep the wheels oiled and the stories and information flowing.

Tuesday, June 8, 2021


I’ve often heard it said “the only thing constant is change”. Somehow, during my lifetime I did not recognize that my life was always changing.

When I met Rey he inspired me to reinvent myself.  “We’re always changing” he says. Our ideas change. Our commitments change. Our knowledge and expertise change. Our finances change. Our emotions are constantly changing." When the changes were easy and made me happy I went with the flow. However, like many people I often feared change especially if I believed I was losing control of my circumstances, my situation, my life.

One day Rey and I were having an interesting conversation about generational wealth recognizing how nearly impossible America’s racism has made it for Black folk to profit from our labor and invest in ourselves. The overt oppression and discrimination efficiently practiced by America ever since my people were forced into slavery made education, owning property and investment in our own businesses unachievable for centuries.

Growing up in a modern day society where technology has changed everything except the hearts of the ancestors of the colonizers, we succumb to the indoctrination that has deluded our self-perception, perpetuated our self-hatred and in large, inhibited our courage to face/make change and prosper.  “The disadvantages that persist are invisible precisely because people in power continuously innovated new forms of discrimination” writes Calvin Schermerhorn of the Washington Post.

I could spend time connecting the dots between the Tulsa massacre and the racism that has fueled terrorism against and the massacre of Black people all over the U.S. including Washington, D.C.; Chicago, Illinois; Omaha, Nebraska; Elaine, Arkansas; Charleston, South Carolina; Columbia, Tennessee; Houston… up to and beyond the murder of George Floyd.

However, the point of this blog is to take us to a new level of understanding. Asking for equality and civil rights in America’s racist cauldron is as ridiculous as the dirty look you give something after tripping over it. The world is wide. Rey and I have chosen freedom rather than equality. We have chosen to reinvent ourselves and live in the world.

Reinventing yourself means to live more in alignment with your values so you can transform your life. Many of us have a clear sense of how we want to live, but we are blinded by the security of living in the box while waiting until retirement to achieve our “dreams”. Unfortunately, the majority of us don’t live that long. We are afraid of freedom so we relinquish our health and happiness for the security of an underpaid job that will lead to a retirement plagued by stress related illnesses and everlasting unachievable dreams.

Through Rey, I have learned to grasp every opportunity and not worry about how we will achieve it. Once the inspiration hits us we find a way. We have both experienced insolvency. We have both experienced homelessness. We have both experienced doubt. We have both experienced despair. But most importantly, we have met the challenge and we are not afraid.

There’s a big difference between the known and the unknown hell. In the known hell one chooses to sustain routine. You slave until the colonizer authorizes you to retire, while deducting money from your paycheck for his own investment purposes… without paying interest on the loan which gets paid back in the form of social security. Fear is greater than pain. That’s why we stay in the box and go to a job that drains us year in and year out. You think the money is worth sacrificing your health and happiness because you are afraid to face the alternative challenge of the unknown.

Fear of change impacts our personal and professional lives. When opportunity presents itself we hesitate, stagnate and let opportunity pass us by. Fear is temporary. Let it go. Step out of the box and accept the challenge of the unknown. It just might be heaven!

Recently, our landlady decided to double the rent for our tiny house on the river. The investment “we” made in renovating the house and making it a beautiful and comfortable living space somehow made her feel “she” deserved more money. The joy she witnessed between us somehow assured her that we would be unwilling to give up the space and succumb to her demand for more money. She greedily gave up the golden egg believing that we would stay in the box.

Our daily commitment is to manifesting joy and happiness in our lives. We manifested a beautiful home that we rent from an incredible couple who have proven to be fair, trust worthy and legally compliant. Every move we make in life carries us a rung higher. Every move we make in life brings us more joy and happiness because we are not confined by the restrictions of the box.

How will we pay for our beautiful ocean view condo with direct access to the beach? I don’t know. I do know that we are inspired and creative. I do know that we will manifest.

America is not the only land of milk and honey. Actually, America purchases at least 50% of its fresh produce from Mexico, 70 miles from where we live. Mexico has a wonderful history that is – like black history – not taught in school or any place else in the U.S. Mexico abolished slavery in 1829 and refused to extradite runaway slaves to America asserting that once a man, woman or child reaches Mexican soil they are free!

Equality and justice will never be real in America. What we want is freedom! The world belongs to you! Be inspired. Manifest your dream. Find your place and live the life you really want.

Saturday, May 8, 2021


Years ago when I moved to Germany, my family and friends were seriously concerned for me. “Why are you moving to Germany?” they would ask. “Aren’t there Nazis there?” “Is it safe? Do they discriminate against Black people?” “You know no matter what you do you’ll never be German.”

When my family and friends recognized what a wonderful life I was having in Germany they began to visit. They found the people warm, friendly and welcoming. They partied just as hard in the small Oldenburg town where I lived as they did at home in New York City. It was an eye opening experience that the most immovable New Yorkers swore to follow me and move to Oldenburg when they retired.

Alas, after 20 years together with my German husband, my marriage ended in an ugly divorce. I grabbed the opportunity to return to the states to spend time with my mom, family and friends whom I had sorely missed over such a long time.

At first, I thought I would live in New York. My mom, brother and several cousins had moved to New Jersey where rentals and real estate where much more reasonably priced. My sister and the rest of the family chose to remain in Harlem, Brooklyn and the Bronx where costs for everything and anything had soared and were exorbitantly high. They were so enraptured by the rat race that they couldn’t free themselves from the monkey trap. “If you can make it there, you’ll make it anywhere” is an anthem that blinded them to the reality that you don’t have to work yourself to death to be happy or successful.

After recognizing that I am no longer a New York City girl, I moved to Las Vegas thinking I would continue my career as an entertainer. The environmental change was the first shock. Of course, Las Vegas is in the desert. No water, no greenery and intensely hot weather all year around. Even in the winter the comfortably cold nights are overshadowed by the heat of the day.

Las Vegas is a good place to make a living if you are a world renowned super star or an impersonator. I don’t fit into either of those categories so it wasn’t the best place for me. However, it was the right decision because that’s where I met Rey.

Me, and my superhero Rey (yes, he is my superhero!) chose to spend our lifetimes exploring the world. We’ve lived in numerous countries, share similar experiences and it’s amazing how our goals are so closely merged that we actually think as one.

The decision to move to Mexico came from me. I never considered the fact that Rey had lived here before and he never mentioned that he wanted to return.  Through our daily happiness meditations, the universe guided us to Mexico. I fell in love with the country in Tijuana. “This is not Mexico” Rey teased. “This is South Compton”. When I said I wanted to move to Mexico Rey couldn’t contain his excitement. “I know the perfect place!” He brought me directly to Puerto Vallarta.

Why did he never mention his desire to move to Mexico? Rey is an adventurer and willing to follow me anywhere. He is a person who can jump out of a plane anywhere on the planet and make a life for himself. Just like me!

Once again questions came from family and friends. “Why are you moving to Mexico?” they would ask. “Aren’t the drug dealers there?” “Is it safe? What about the Cartel?” “Do they discriminate against Black people?” “You know no matter what you do you’ll never be Mexican.”

My dear family and friends, these questions are self-limiting, insecure and powerless. Discrimination of all kinds exists all over the world. So does crime, injustice, inequality and poverty. By the same token, the world is full of love shared by good people of every nationality, cultural background and economic status.

The earth is beautiful. Explore it. Love it. Cherish it. Get your passport and manifest your destiny!





Sunday, April 4, 2021


I used to listen to Teddy Pendergras, Barry White, Smokey Robinson, Luther Vandross… The music, the lyrics, the feeling made wish somebody would love me like that.

My first marriage was to a wonderful man whom I will always love, but something was missing in the relationship. Although we will always be friends moving on was the right thing to do. My second marriage was to a selfish man who absorbed my energy, flourished from my love and moved on to an affair with a youngster not recognizing that a female just out of her pre-teens is not a woman. Moving on was the right thing to do.

I never dreamed that I would find the love of my life, my true soul mate in my senior years. I have been blessed with a man who has endless-unconditional love to give. How did I find him? That’s a long story and maybe I’ll write about it later. What’s important is I never met someone who allowed himself to be so happy. And because I’ve learned from him, I allow myself to be happier than I’ve ever been.

Love has changed me. I look forward to every new day without confusion, sadness or fear. We are not perfect. We often disagree – intensely. We always find a solution – together. We are committed. No official document has ever inspired the kind of love we have.

Our love has made it easier to be adventurous and enjoy new experiences. Everything is possible. The sun rises and sets in our hearts and in our minds. It happens for those who choose to be happy. He taught me to choose to be happy and I will be forever grateful to the man I love.



My wish for all of you on this special day is that you chose to be happy and manifest everything that you want in life! We did. Like the song says, “We’ve only just begun to live!”

Saturday, March 6, 2021

Los Arcos - Magical Avatar Bay

Everyday I wake up smiling thinking about the wonderful time I had the day before. Two years ago no one could have told me I’d be living my dream of freedom and joy in Mexico.

It was early morning and Rey had already been to the beach to check out the water before leaving for his scheduled horseback riding tour. As usual, I packed my camera bag and followed Rey and the dogs to the ranch where I take pictures and record videos for his clients. Our youngest dog Melania-Paloma runs the trail with the horses while I take Baron von Greismok on a long jungle walk and a swim in the river before the walk home.

I’d like to tell you that this was a special day – but – everyday is special here. After returning from the photo session I did a little housekeeping and prepared food for the dogs (I usually make it fresh). I fixed myself a nice breakfast and settled down to finish editing the video from yesterdays excursion.

I was done in about 4 hours. That’s when Rey came home and insisted “put your bathing suit on, we’re going to the beach”. Of course, I love to hear those words so I was ready in a jiffy. We went to our favorite restaurant on the beach to meet his new friends – the guests from the horseback riding tour who’d had so much fun they wanted to spend the rest of the day experiencing Mismaloya.

We spent a lovely evening watching the sunset, and if that wasn’t enough, the group asked Rey to book a late night boat ride to Los Arcos so they could experience the bioluminescence that this region is so famous for.

These rare ecosystems happen when microscopic, single-celled organisms called dinoflagellates grow in quantities big enough to produce a “glow-in-the-dark” effect when stimulated by movement. So, when you paddle or splash the water, these organisms light up in a neon blue-green color, and so does everything they come in contact with, giving a star-like reflection to the water.

I have to admit the tour was a bit scary. The boat ride was wonderful but I’m not accustomed to swimming in the dark. Before we even reached Los Arcos our braver friends where diving from the mountainside on the Mismaloya shore line, while those of us who remained in the boat cheered them on.

Shortly after the first dive, we picked up two guys who were stranded on a Panga and couldn’t get back to the beach. We gave them a ride back to the shore and then headed to Los Arcos excited about the bioluminescence we were about to experience. It was darker now, the moon was just right and the water was only slightly cooler than in the day. What an exciting phenomena! The water glowed as did our paddles and hands as we splashed.

On the way to Los Arcos we met vacationers exploring the caves by paddle board, as well as a jet skier who was stranded because his vehicle stopped working. He tied his jet ski to our boat and we towed him along to our destination. Our captain called the jet ski company for help but it seems we were to far away for a rescue.

The skier stayed with us as our guest enjoyed diving and exploring the caves with our guide. It was scary jumping into the dark water but as soon as we saw the light of the bioluminescence the fear vanished in the swirl of this magical experience. We swam through a cave and those who knew how to dive enjoyed the magical depths. It was like swimming around the Avatar forest.

On the way back the bay rescue finally came to pick up the jet skier and his vehicle, guided by the S.O.S. light that Rey had coincidentally carried in his diving bag. What a lucky break for the skier. He would otherwise have to travel back to Mismaloya with us and that was far from where he needed to go.

Finally, we went home, pumped up with the days excitement as we fell asleep to wonderful dreams looking forward to tomorrow.

Monday, February 1, 2021

Dear family, friends and fans,

Thanks for checking out our Patreon page. We´ve got so many exciting things to tell/show you. Our lives have changed completely since we started our page. We´re well on our way to achieving our goals and more.

In this strange time of COVID and unscrupulous politics we need love and harmony more than ever before. We hope that our stories make you smile and know that you can manifest the joy you deserve starting today. Right this minute!

We thank you for supporting us through our challenges and your challenges! We hope that you will continue to enjoy the adventures we share. Your comments, likes, suggestions... are so important to us so please remember to let us know what you think about our stories, pictures and videos at the end of each Patreon blog.

Yours sincerely,


© Copyright January 30, 2021

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Thursday, January 21, 2021


2020 was really a good year for us. 




Although I was stranded in Germany for almost 6 months, I had a wonderful time, renewed old friendships and fostered new ones; formed a new band; created new music and earned money in a time when so many things seemed impossible.


Except for Rey's horseback riding tours, the New Years holiday was pleasantly quite for us. We started our day by walking the dogs before greeting our first clients at the crocodile monument where we usually take our first photos.
The tour is really exciting as we ride up to El Eden, the famous site of the filming of  the Predator movie starring Arnold Schwarzenegger. We ride through swarms of butterflies, banana trees that seem to touch the sky, magnificent palms, giant aloe and jungle vegetation that you normally only see in pictures and movies.


Our one year old puppy Melania makes the trip no matter how many times in the day Rey tours. She's as agile and graceful as a panther. Although she is a domesticated animal, she has all the attributes of a wild wolf sprinting about 32 mph and defying the current as she seems to skip through the deep rushing waters of the river. The guests are always delighted to meet her and experience her on the trip. 
New Years Eve we had two tours with 10 satisfied clients who gave Rey 5 star reviews except for one dysfunctional woman who in the style of Barbeque Becky maliciously ruined our perfect 5 star streak. After coming 1 ½ hours late for her scheduled tour, Dysfunctional Debbie (DD) declared that she has a “blended family” - “my son”, “his daughter” and forced them to wear masks during the entire tour although they were riding horses with 15 to 30 feet between each of them.

When they got to the final destination, a beautiful restaurant on the side of the water fall where Arnold Schwarzenegger filmed the Predator back when he still had muscles, DD and her family suddenly started dumping food and drinks from their back packs on their specially reserved table located on a rock 8 feet above the dinning area to insure their safety from COVID-19. It was like watching the Beverly Hillbilly's do an episode of Be'Be's kids. Even when Rey´s friend (the restaurant owner) scolded him about their behavior, Dysfunctional Debbie defiantly continued eating her sandwich saying she thought “no one could see her”. She exemplified the “ugly American” and made it clear why Gringo is not an endearing term.

Her family, totally embarrassed by her obsessive determination to act ghetto finally convinced her to put the food away and order something from the menu, inspiring the next Beverly Hillbilly's episode with Dysfunctional Debbie and her son loudly slurping down food in a way that would gross out even the most insensitive person. I didn't even know you could slurp dry food.

When the circus was finally over, Rey returned the happy, satisfied family to the stables where they said cheerful and giggly goodbyes, only to be confronted with a one star review and fabricated complaints about the tour from DD.

Initially we were both shocked and angry at this woman who maliciously and for no reason single handily ruined our perfect 5 star record. However, realizing how sad and insecure Dysfunctional Debbie actually is helped us overcome the desire to acquaint her with the real ghetto and school her on the “social distancing” she's created between her and her own family. Rey did, however, bless her with some clarity that should making reading his response to her review fun for our future clients.

After the tour, which was the second that day we were much too exhausted to prepare dinner so we treated ourselves to a wonderful evening at one of our favorite restaurants. COVID-19 has kept the multitude from dining out so right now the restaurant experience is even better than usual because the chef's and waiters take extra special care of the few clients who dare to go out.

New Years day was just as busy with two more horse tours up to El Eden. But no rest for the weary until Monday. Horseback riding lends itself naturally to social distancing, and we were happy to bring our guests into the New Year with a healthy outdoor sport.

I learned many things in 2020, the most important being you manifest everything that you experience. I have learned to use my words consciously and wisely. We're on a flight to success on every level. We're living in paradise. We wake up in the morning and thank the universe for showering us with its abundance that we are attracting all the time. We're surrounded by people with good energy, good intentions and lots of love wherever we are in the world.

We hope that the new year will bring you an abundance of love, health and wealth and all things that make you happy!