Why is Biden not addressing the fact that pharmaceutical companies, distributors and health care services/workers... are STILL totally indemnified from any consequences of selling/administering the vaccine?
If I believed taking the vaccine would prevent people from getting sick and/or dying I would take it. However, vaccinated people can transmit the virus as well as contract the disease.
Eight of my friends/colleagues in close proximity to where I now live were hospitalized and in intensive care this year. All except two were previously vaccinated and all became seriously ill anyway. Their hospital bills were enormous and now they are crowd funding and begging family and friends for money to help pay hospital bills, mortgages and basic living expenses.
Several other unvaccinated friends/acquaintences diagnosed positive and and were extremely ill. Being uninsured, they cared for
themselves at home. According to them it was a horrendous week of high fever,
headaches, coughing and tiredness. They isolated themselves, got plenty of rest
and treated themselves with Aspirin or Paracetamol and Nyquil or some other
cough medicine and were back on their feet after two weeks.
If you’re uninsured, costs related to diagnostic testing and treatment may range from $500 to $1,000 - and for those who need inpatient hospitalization, costs can run between $75,000 to $100,000 for a 10-day period. How does getting vaccinated help when it doesn't protect you from getting sick? You can still get stuck with enormous bills that insurance won't cover.
Some say that not taking the vaccine is immoral and un-American. America has a pattern of using black bodies for experimentation. If we want to talk about immorality let's talk about centuries of abuse and cruel medical experimentation on black people in America since slavery. Corpses being pulled from the ground for scientific study. Black women being sterilized without their knowledge and robbed of the opportunity to bear children. An entire Black community misled into believing they were immune from a fatal illness. We have been betrayed by the medical establishment,
I am not indifferent to the welfare of others. I always mask up in public places. I carry hand sanitizer which I use consistently. There are unacceptable risks associated with taking the vaccine. I know the risks and the costs of my decision. I alone have the right to decide what goes into my body. What the government or anyone else wants is beside the point.
I have never been
vaccinated for the mumps. Had it when I was a child and survived it. I have
never been vaccinated for the measels. Never had it. I have never been vaccinated for the chicken pox. Never had it. Never been vaccinated for the flu. Had it
several times between 1977-2008. Always took care of myself. Survived it all.
Have not had a cold since.
Was the FDA pressured to approve the vaccine? I don't know. It's highly suspicious. Mistrust of the government isn't my only issue. This pandemic has distracted all but the 1% from the true issues impacting our country and its leadership. The vaccine does not and cannot guarantee our safety. Forcing people to take the vaccine in order to work, travel or go to school is a denial of the freedoms guaranteed by the constitution.
Knowledge of history
tells me I should beware and I do! It's your choice. If you believe in it take
it. I'm not mad at you. Accept the decision I have made for myself and do not
try to coerce me.
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