Thursday, August 20, 2020


Solidarity Demonstrations in Germany

Oldenburg demonstrators take social distancing seriously.
The OEins live “window concert” was the first of a series of interesting events during my quarantine in Germany. 

Parallel to the unrelenting news about COVID-19 infections and death counts, yet another unarmed black man – George Floyd – was murdered by the police. Not only our nation, but nations around the world were angered and appalled by the clearly visible and intentional murder. 

Mass demonstrations against police violence played out all over the world, while racist politicians invoked support from the right wing conservative media in denying systematic racism, trying to villanize George Floyd and attempting to discredit the black lives matter “movement”. 
Trump Economic Advisor Denies Systematic Racism Because Whites Voted for Obama

While in Germany I joined demonstrations against racism in America and voiced my opinion every chance I got. Protests led to interviews and interviews lead to intense conversations with friends and colleagues who wanted to know the truth about America. 

Some of my German friends were shocked and appalled by the violence against blacks they were witnessing on t.v. Some were totally surprised that the America they worshiped was not the role model they learned to respect and others didn't care one way or another. 
My closest friends voiced their concerns for my family in New York and some even joined me in protesting. Interviews and performances were distributed on social media and my dear friends Alexander Goretzki, Daniel Haltaufderheide, Malte Hahn and I founded a band called EMPRESS AND THE PRIVILEGED WHITES.

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